Saturday, January 15, 2011

... learned about Delicious and tagging

OK, so the first thing to say is that on the net you can tag without getting arrested AND there is the fact that you don't have to buy aerosol cans and get painty-different-coloured-fingers... so it's all good!  The 2nd thing to report is that Delicious is NOT after all one of those (yawnnn!!) recipe websites, lol, can't believe I thought that's what it probably was (having never actually bothered to find out for sure).  Just shows how wrong you can be, because unlike those dodgy recipe websites (y'know, spend $50 on ingredients and end up with something resembling Eton Mess when it was supposed to be a cake/casserole/omelette..! :-)) I actually signed up for my ymail account, (now have a gmail and a ymail, cool!) and set up my Delicious thingybob and already have tagged (paint-free fingers type) a few websites and will do many many many more as I find the time.  Hope to convert all my favourites one day... 

my delicious thingybob is here

Anyway, I think Delicious would be heaps better in our library too as our 'Favourites' are getting a bit off-track - we do have folders but sometimes it's hard to accurately name a folder to reflect the heaps of websites within it.  Tags would defo make searching for useful websites easier, once we've all had training.  I want to lock myself away for a week and stick all the good stuff in Delicious... sad I know....  Also the 3rd good thing is I've found out the names of a few blogs so I've been able to follow more people around (not stalking, following, honest!) and the 4th GREAT thing is I am not waaaaaay behind everyone else as I first suspected... PHEW!  Right, onwards and upwards cos I really wanna do the Librarything thingy now... Kylie
PS I didn't do that Wiki thingy as I'm not planning on going camping anytime soon and I'm allergic to tents (haha only kidding!)  Glad I didn't now as everyone appears to have lost their wikis whereas mine is still where I last put him....!

OK, ahem, I have discovered I do actually HAVE to do a wiki and so after putting said wiki in wrong wiki spot I think I have now managed to put my wiki in the wright wiki spot.. please can anyone correct me if I'm wrong??!!


  1. I'm glad you have retained your Wiki, what's your secret? Devo, I have lost mine. I too would love to lock myself away and add all my favourites in Delicious (not the magazine), awesome!

  2. Yes, I made a start tonight by adding all the websites for Twitter/Facebook/Gmail login/Ymail login to Delicious so I can find them for our meeting tomorrow! Now all I have to do is remember the various logins and passwords... DOH!

  3. Yes, passwords and logins! I'll write mine on a piece of paper, just to be safe. I like Delicious, it's like keeping all important documents in the same drawer, indexed and easy to spot!
