Monday, January 3, 2011

... learned about RSS feeds - at long last!!

Yes!  I finally understand (mostly) what those little orange icons are!  I had lots of fun adding new feeds to my reader... I was disappointed at not finding a daily comic strip feed for Gary Larson's 'The Far Side' but I guess that's OK as it is no longer published... oh hum.
I did however add the following:  a daily horoscope for a daily LOL... (the first one I subscribed to gave me my horoscope for 31.12.2008 - would not update so I ended up learning how to remove useless feeds - bonus!)
a daily Perth weather feed... a Mandurah Mail (local newspaper) feed as my copy of the mail usually gets attacked by the retic before I have chance to read it... a news feed for the local UK newspaper where my parents live (I'll now be able to tell THEM what's happening in their part of the world!... and a really cool feed from Lloyd Cole's website giving me updates on him (and if you don't know who Lloyd Cole is, shame on you!!!!!)  Here's a clue...

I do worry though about the privacy side of all this stuff, not to mention the TIME INVOLVED.... OMG it's past lunchtime already!  Off to visit the pantry and fridge...


  1. I always wondered what that funny orange icon was too and now I know! Shame on me, I didn't know who Lloyd Cole is, sultry ain't he?? Now I will have to google him!!

  2. RSS feeds, how they can be used for evil! eg. Lloyd Cole, for me its Johnny Depp. Lol

  3. Personally I found RSS to be very valuable to me - saves heaps of time.

  4. I do agree that once set up they will save time but oh boy, searching for the 5 RSS feeds to add, talk about off on a tangent...!

  5. Yes the privacy stuff can be a bit of a worry especially as blogs can seem quite informal and encourage more personal news/stuff.
